jeudi 27 mars 2014

How To Calculate And Reduce The Consumption Of Calories In An Eggs

You are still confused about cholesterol and calories in eggs?, Please refer back to the number of calories in an egg and nutrients in the egg here. The most stupid and simple way to find out how many eggs per day is good for the consumer are as follows :

Based on research, complete with egg on her skin contained Ca 48mg/100gr, niacin 0.6% mg/100kkal, Oxalic mg/100gr 0 to 0.9, P 183mg/100gr, 11mg/100gr Mg, Na 122mg/100gr, Co 0 , 1mikrogr/gr, 129mg/100gr K, Mg 0.5 mikrogr / g and Zn 21mikrogr/gr. Raw egg itself contains 1.1 mikrogr / gr B6 and thiamin 1.1 mikrogr / gr.
In the egg white (albumin) contained approximately 20Kcal/100gr, 0 (gr/100gr) fat, 10.8 (gr/100gr) protein and 0.8 (gr/100gr) carbohydrates.
While in the egg yolk contained about 162Kcal/100gr, 31.9 (gr/100gr) fat, 16.3 (gr/100gr) protein and 0.7 (gr/100gr) carbohydrates.
The calculation of the number of calories in an eggs are good for the consumer is, if the calories in 100 grams for 162 calories an egg, then in 1 gram of eggs will contain calories by 1.62 calories. And if an average egg weighs 60 grams, the calories in eggs was 1.62 x 60 grams = 97.2 Kcal.

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